Posted on Jul 29, 2015 10:29:00 AM
It’s no surprise that Compliance is sometimes overlooked by startup founders, as they attempt to stay “lean” and “scrappy.” It’s almost a cliché that the startup founder focuses on getting more business while neglecting such internal processes. We have all heard of cases where startups at panic-stations ask their best talent to “pitch in” to these tasks that clearly do not interest them. Inaccuracies, lack of compliance culture and inefficiencies usually follow. But why must a founder wait for things to go wrong before he realizes that time is ripe for a change?I should first clarify that everything in this note supports the creation of a Compliance function within the startup – pointing to the Compliance Officer just makes it easier to embody the argument.
As a company grows, there are more laws to comply with. Instead of waiting for your business to grow and then create a compliance function, isn’t it better to be well-prepared from the very beginning? Perhaps many entrepreneurs find this unnecessary since they feel they can themselves stay on top of what is required. There are 2 obvious issues here:
The case could be made that smaller companies require a Compliance function more than large companies do. A small business cannot afford employee fraud, waste, loss of name or a government fine. Establishing an internal compliance function provides a vital step in such control.
Let's understand how a dedicated Compliance function is beneficial to smaller companies, even leaving aside the obvious benefits from keeping track of the taxes, laws and regulations applicable to the business:
It has to be acknowledged that with the limited resources and non-existent processes of the startup ensuring compliance will be no cakewalk, but cloud-based solutions exist that can help make the job easier for those tasked with managing the Compliance function.
A structured Compliance function can bring a systematic, disciplined approach to managing small businesses by identifying risks that can affect your organization’s long-term goals. As the founder of a startup wouldn’t you rather focus on your business secure in the knowledge that your compliance management is in safe hands?
Topics: Compliance Program